AccessToGo RDP/Remote Desktop apk Description
*Superior user experience – AccessToGo with Blaze-powered RDP acceleration works up to 10 times faster than regular RDP clients such as 2X Client RDP, Wyse PocketCloud, Remote RDP and Jump Desktop.
- Requires at least 512MB RAM
- RDP must be enabled on the target Windows host (Home editions of Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 do not provide RDP server support)
- Runs on Android 4.1 and 4.2 devices, e.g., Samsung SG3, Google Nexus 10 and Kindle Fire HD
- Unlimited remote desktop RDP connections
- Native resolution support
- Function bar for tablets displays frequently used keys (Esc, Tab, Ctrl, Alt, Windows) and functions, such as an On-screen mouse – Exclusive feature!
- AccessToGo remote desktop RDP client features intuitive up-down scrolling, including a Touchpad Pointer for high accuracy screen control
- Enhanced Floater and Pointer Tools
- Pinch to Zoom
- AccessToGo remote desktop RDP comes with remote mouse mode support
- Bluetooth / USB mouse* and keyboard support
(*Android 4.x and higher)
- AccessToGo remote desktop RDP client provides a virtual native keyboard and extended PC Keyboard support
- Copy & Paste support (Enabled by default)
- Remote Program support (auto-start program on login)
- International UI support for many languages: English, French, Deutsch, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Chinese (Traditional & Simplified), Polish, Russian and Spanish
- Full-screen auto-resize on orientation changes (portrait to / from landscape)
- Sound / audio redirection to the device from a remote computer
- 8, 16, 24 and 32 bit color modes
- URL Schemes for automation of AccessToGo by other applications
**FREE Ericom Secure Gateway – Secure, encrypted access when connecting from outside the firewall
**Ericom Blaze remote desktop RDP Acceleration
- Transforms AccessToGo into the fastest mobile remote desktop RDP client
- Enhances the display performance of maps, photos, streaming video, radiology images, 3D images, Adobe Flash and PDF files.
- Uses up to 90% less bandwidth than other remote desktop RDP clients
- Great for cellular connectivity over 3G, 4G and Internet
(Requires installing Ericom Blaze Server on the RDP host:
**Alternative to Citrix
- Ericom PowerTerm WebConnect provides the benefits of centrally published and managed Windows desktops and applications hosted on Terminal Services / RDS / VDI
- Half the cost of XenApp / XenDesktop
- Provides both native remote desktop RDP client and HTML5, browser-based RDP client
(Requires PowerTerm WebConnect Server v5.8 or newer installed: )
**RDP Client for VMware View
- Two modes: Regular RDP (FREE)
- Accelerated RDP (requires Ericom Blaze server)
For more information, email, or go to:
- Android 2.1 or later
- Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2012 / 2008 / 2003
- VMware View 4.5 or later
- PowerTerm WebConnect 5.8 or later
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